Explore and discover Loktak Lake,
the life-line of Manipur.
Restore and develop Loktak Lake resources and biodiversity for present and future generations through participatory processes, research and conservation activities.

World Environment Day
This World Environment Day 2022, please join Loktak Development Authority (LDA) in taking a pledge to save Loktak Lake and associated wetlands and focus on living sustainably in harmony with nature. LDA calls for collective, transformative action to celebrate, protect and restore our precious Loktak Lake.
We believe that individuals and civil society are pivotal advocates, awareness-raisers, and supporters. The more we raise our voices, emphasize what needs to be done and point out who is responsible, the faster change will come.
Only our collective efforts can ensure this unique and beautiful lake remains a comfortable home for our traditions, culture, and values.
Sign Up for our
Loktak Development Authority
The Secured Office Complex
2nd Floor, North Block AT-Line
Near 2nd MR Gate
Imphal(W) Manipur – 795001
Phone No: (0385) 2448563
Fax No: (0385) 2448563